5 Tests to see if He is Controlling
In good relationships, there is a certain amount of psychic ‘wrestling’. This revolves around the power shifts between the two people involved. Each partner offers and takes a degree of control in the relationship according to what they have in terms of psychic reserves. This is entirely natural and, in a stable relationship, part of the support that each offers the other. However, sometimes that power shift can be entirely one sided, as one partner seeks to dominate the other. There are warning signs to this and the problem can either be addressed or the relationship must end.
Dealing with past rejections
Those who seek to dominate in a relationship have often suffered rejection in the past and are unable to deal with it. For most of us, the possibility of rejection is a normal part of any courtship or relationship and, while it is never pleasant, it is something we learn to handle and live with. Our psychic selves are able to look at the bigger picture and deal with rejection through a healthy perspective.
However, for those whose psychic selves operate through fear, this perspective is lost and any rejection becomes an event of enormous proportions. As a result, they seek to control a relationship and remove the possibility of rejection by making the other person entirely dependent on them. If you think your partner is suffering from control issues of this sort, there are five simple tests you can carry out:
- Many controlling types lavish gifts upon their partners as a physical manifestation of their psychic insecurity. In essence, they believe they are not good enough for the other person, so use gifts as a way of appealing to their vanity and ensnaring them. If your partner is constantly bombarding you with expensive gifts, reject one of them. There’s no need to be rude, but a controlling type will take this as a huge personal sleight rather than a sign that these gifts are inappropriate.
- Listen in arguments. Controllers will often throw back your own words in a different form and out of context. This is to undermine your faith in yourself and encourage your dependency on them. Mention that you believe this to be controlling behaviour. If they have power issues, the likelihood is that they will suggest it is you who are the controlling one. The psychic shield of a controller is designed to instantly reject any accusations of this sort, without discussion or consideration.
- Keep an eye on your own relationships. Controllers like to isolate their partners, so that theirs is the only psychic influence in the vicinity. If you are suddenly seeing less of your friends or family through no fault of your own, you should start to hear alarm bells. Although controllers are able to exert a strong psychic influence on one person, they find it very difficult to spread their powers over a crowd. In choosing you as a partner, the controller will have spotted several psychic reasons why they feel they will be able to sublimate you. Talk to friends and get their opinions.
- Are your needs being ignored? Many controllers use their psychic abilities to try and define their partner’s reality. For example, if you were to complain that you are tired, your partner might respond that you’re not and that it’s all in your imagination. Controllers know that by repeatedly undermining your experiences and needs, your psychic self will lapse into self-doubt and, ultimately, look to the controller for the answers. These affirmations that you are wrong and that you don’t know yourself as well as your partner does may be subtle at first, but are likely to grow over time.
- Look out for physical symptoms. If a controlling personality senses that their partner may be pulling away from them, they can psychically induce physical symptoms such as back pain, migraines and stomach upset. These are designed to appeal to your sympathetic, nurturing side and lure you back into the relationship. While these symptoms are entirely psychosomatic, the controller is likely to believe that they are entirely real and possibly blame you for being their instigator. They will argue that you have created the stress that has brought these symptoms into being.
Confronting a controlling personality is a difficult process, because you can never be sure whether they are fully admitting their problems or playing further psychic games. The true test is getting a controller to agree to some form of long-term therapy. In this situation, they will have to embrace their worst fear – giving up all control and showing themselves to be vulnerable. This form of behaviour can be unlearned, but it does take time. Anyone with these problems who has apparently undergone a miracle cure is simply dodging the issue and is liable to revert to their previous behaviour as soon as they can. To find more, please call www.Crystalclearpsychics.co.uk